New series of paintings

It has been a while since I last produced a series of works simultaneously as opposed to consecutively. That is, I have worked on them all at once, bringing each painting to completion at the same time. There is therefore something that binds these works together, they are all the product of the same period in time, the same process and have similar themes.

The bright light of summer helped me to bring these images into the world, as I have spent even the hottest of days bent over my easel in a fit of passion. And now with the autumn, exhausted, my harvest is almost ready. In my work I see a warm glow and a luminosity that I have not seen before. Perhaps the summer is still shining through.

As I mature as an artist I am finding that I can rely on my imagination more and therefor less on photographic reference or studies. This truly frees me up to paint what ever comes into my head. The majority of my new work has been made this way. Which is sometimes much harder, more struggle and more time consuming. But I feel it allows the light of imagination to add its poetry and more magic to shine through.

The themes of these works reflect this inward gaze too. With titles such as “The Sixth Sense”, “The Vision” and “Bewitching the Sphinx”, I have focused more on the inner worlds this time; the visionary trance, second sight and mystical revelation. My fascination for history and mythology is still present here too, as much of these works owe their imagery and symbolism to both.

I will be presenting the paintings as they are completed. I have posted on my ‘buy me a coffee’ -page the various stages of the paintings on the way, showing a little of my process. If you appreciate what I do then please visit this page and there you can also make a contribution if you like (see button below). This all helps me to get food on the table, which I will then gladly turn into more paintings.

Here are the first two.


Jake Baddeley - The Vision - oil on canvas - 80 x 60 cm - 2024

The Vision

The Vision – oil on canvas – 80 x 60 cm – 2024

Ontological truth is important to me. Questions about the fundamental nature of reality for me are more than just philosophical musings, but inform the way I act and live in the world. Myth is a great resource for me because it is packed with man’s search for and explanation of meaning and tries to answer the question “what is reality?”

This painting is an exploration of these questions. An interest in the unconscious mind and its exploration, has led me to a new appreciation for consciousness itself. Just as an interest in the symbolism of dreams has led to an appreciation of its opposite; the state of being wide awake. In many traditions there is declared to be a third state – the Super Consciousness, a hyper awake state. Objective reality when understood in this way seems then to become more subjective; we inhabit the world that we can perceive.

What we see here in this painting, is both the objective outside world as well as the subjective vision of the priestess, combined into one image. The inner and the outer worlds are blurred together – both part of the same reality. She is looking at a reflection to gain prophecy or insight, in the ancient tradition of oracular vision. We are invited to share her insight – a union of Heaven and Earth, Spirit with Matter, Birth with Death.

Jake Baddeley - Trumpets and Bells - oil on canvas - 60 x 80 cm - 2024

Trumpets and Bells

Trumpets and Bells – oil on canvas – 60 x 80 cm – 2024

The festivals and annual celebrations that take place all over the world ever year, are more often than not the ritual enactment of myths and religions that date back thousands of years. Often the exact meaning has been lost, but it is still enacted anyway. This painting reflects this tradition, only the myth behind it does not exist as such, unless you invent one for it. The result is the same, visually at least; an inexplicable and marvelously irrational display of human mythic imagination.

It is themes like this that drive the particular poetic madness that I found so inspiring in a book called “Titus Groan” by Mervyn Peek, where I fell in love with a fictional character. Here she is performing an ancient and obscure ritual welcoming the morning with bells and trumpets.


P.S. If you are interested in seeing the process of these paintings, the different stages where I add layers of paint, head over to Buy Me A Coffee page.

And if you decide to make a (small) donation there to show your support, I would very much appreciate that. If you are interested in purchasing any of my original paintings, please contact me / my agent via the form on the contact page. Thank you!

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